Advanta Seeds ranks #4 in Access to Seeds Index 2021 for both Western and Central Africa and Eastern and Western Africa
Date: 01 Oct 2021
The company been ranked #4 out of 64 seed companies that qualified for the ATSI ranking in Africa. It is the first time that Advanta and UPL
participated in the ATSI 2021 ranking. In the ranking the company came in the top two in capacity building for smallholder farmers. ATSI recognized Advanta's well-developed mix model of extension services, including agronomy, crop protection and sustainable farming training. In the SEA index, Advanta ranked in the top five in four out of the six assessed areas with leading practices in governance and strategy, genetic resources and marketing and sales.
‘We are honored to be recognized by ATSI 2021. A big part of our success are our partners like AGRA, Musika, Farm Africa, UN
Women, or IFDC, who give us tremendous support and have excellent programs for reaching and serving smallholder farmers'
shared Ndavi Muia, Regional Head Africa & Middle East.
The 2021 ESA index was published on World Food Day (15 October 2021) by the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA). The WBA is a
non-profit organization seeking to generate a movement around increasing the private sector's impact towards a sustainable
future for all. The ATSI foundation is a part of the WBA. This independent, non-profit organization evaluates and compares seed
companies according to their efforts to improve access to quality seeds of improved varieties for smallholder farmers.
The full Advanta Seeds scorecard is available at the Access to Seeds Index - World Benchmarking Alliance.